My Running Journal, Product Reviews, 5K 10K Half Marathon Racing News, Running Inspiration

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Indomitable Running

Running Quote of the Day

"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...

The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. 

No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' 

The human spirit is indomitable." 

-Sir Roger Bannister, 

(The first to run a sub-4 minute mile)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Welcome to the Second Wind Running Blog

Welcome to.....

"Second Wind Running"

Here at Second Wind Running I will blog race results, running experiences, racing news, running quotes and share running tips from the experts.

So why “Second Wind”?

I joined the track and field team when I was twelve years old and began cross country the following year.  I started as a sprinter for the local high school and continued running until I graduated in 1993.  Almost twenty years ago…. (Sigh). ;D

The chances of continuing my running career on a collegiate level were slim.  A small college in Arkansas showed some interest, but I wanted to stay in Kentucky.  Over time I finally earned my degree but never raced again, until….

In 2007 I decided to start running again.  That year I hit a major wall in my life.  Runners are familiar with “the wall”.  My nemesis was the one that stood at the 300 meter mark of a 400 meter race.  You pump your arms and lift your knees, but it feels like fifty football defensive linemen are pushing you back. 

Weight gain, poor eating habits, and the cares of life were physically and emotionally depleting me.  I felt like I was hitting the wall before my feet hit the floor in the morning.  My life desperately needed help shifting to another gear.

I prayed and prayed and one day the Spirit of God said, “Run.”

You may not be a Christian or believe that God could possibly care about running.  But I will never forget that day.  I was suffering from depression and God knew I needed a complete health makeover… not just for my soul, but for my body as well.  As I got healthier and stronger, my entire outlook on life changed.  Over the last 5 years I have completed one half marathon, four 10K’s, and a ton of 5K races. 

Since 2007, my running regimen has been all over the place.  Since then I have gotten married, assist my husband in ministry, and focused on my writing career.  My goal is to add more focus to my running in 2013.

So this blog is about my second wind.  A second wind is like gold to a runner.  It’s the moment in the race where you realize that you're getting closer to the finish line and every part of your body feels awesome.  Your breathing is perfect and all that’s left to do is accelerate.  

So….here I go!

God knows I have hit many walls in my lifetime, but each new day is an opportunity to run and capture a second wind.   

Inhale.  Exhale.  Run.

Running goals for 2013

Compete in 10K & 5K Races
Complete 2 Half Marathons
Run 1000 miles!

Next Race:  Saturday March 2nd - Food on the Run 10K in Cincinnati, Ohio
