My Running Journal, Product Reviews, 5K 10K Half Marathon Racing News, Running Inspiration

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Life Beyond Running

Although I created this blog to devote to my running journey, I have also embarked upon a health and beauty journey. Essentially, I want to be a healthy, whole and well-rounded woman.

I am a new fan of blogger Lauren Mechelle. Not only does she have the best giveaways online (which actually sparked this blog post), but she is living the life I believe many young ladies dream of. She is pursuing her dreams, sharing her gifts with the world, and not afraid to explore unfamiliar territories.

Although I frequent her blog for beauty and DIY tips, I decided today to browse through her “life” category. I was very excited to read about her recap of her attendance at Workshops for Women, organized by Councilwoman Blondell Brown in Philadelphia.

In this post (, she shares treasures of information that will help in progressing her passion and career. I love reading articles like this!

Too often people complain about they cannot do and what they will never accomplish. I know. I use to be one of them. But sometimes you have to take “life” by the reigns and insist on doing better and going higher.

The sky’s the limit!

Network outside of your comfort zone. Dream big and don’t be ashamed. I love running with my whole, but it isn’t everything. I believe that in order for me to be a whole person, I have to say yes to more than just one or two opportunities.

Thank you Lauren for overcoming intimidation, saying yes to life, and sharing it with the world!

Running Quote of the Week - 
"I always loved was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." – Jesse Owens